Sponsor your favourite sled dog!

With your help all of our dogs can have a happy and long life!
On average a sled dog lives 14 years. They usually retire around 9 to 10 years of age. At that age they are usually not strong and fast enough anymore to pull a sled. Even if they are still strong enough, we want to protect them from themselves so they can live longer.
In some companies, retired dogs are given away or, worse, put down because they no longer generate income. At Adventure Dreams we (of course) don’t do that. Our dogs stay in their trusted pack until death. With the care, attention and love they deserve.

But we do need your help with that!
By sponsoring your favorite dog, you also help the retired dogs. With your support, we can continue to care for them, from daily nutrition to medical treatments and of course the occasional extra treat such as bones, fish and dog treats.

How does sponsorship work?
Sponsorship is based on donations. You can donate as much as you want, with a minimum of 500 SEK.
As a sponsor you will receive a certificate with a photo and biography. This way you get to know your sponsored dog even better. In addition, you will receive an email every 6 months with all the experiences on the farm in general and of your sponsor dog in particular.
You can also come and cuddle or walk with your sponsored dog*.

You have probably already met your favorite dog during one of the activities, but we have also listed them for you down below. Starting with the team’s 2 newest additions and biggest menaces, our pups Artemis and Zeus.

*Walking is possible from May 1st to September 30th, cuddling from April 14th to December 20th. Of course, always under the supervision of one of our people.


Artemis, born 16-06-2024. One of our new puppies. She loves playing with her brother Zeus. She loves to cuddle, but also likes her space sometimes. Very sweet girl.


Zeus, born 16-06-2024. Brother of Artemis. They love playing together! He is a bit bigger and uses this to his advantage. He is a bit of a rascal, but also a very sweet boy. He has two different eye colors, one brown and one blue!


Alina, born 02-10-2022. Our sweet little girl. She came with us from the Netherlands and we adopted her when she was 3 months old. She will forever be a baby, judging by her behavior. She loves to cuddle and she is best friends with all the dogs. She has never been in a fight and is sweet to everyone.


Angel, born 14-12-2017. She is scared easily, but is a bit more comfortable with pets and attention. She is very sweet. Savannah's sister.



Balisto, born 13-05-2019. Crazy, sweet boy. Loves to play en loves to work. Get's overly excited when he knows he is going to work.

Billy Barker

Billy Barker, previously known as Dante. We changed his name to Billy Barker because he barks a lot! Crazy, but sweet boy. Loves playing and working.


Blondie, born 13-01-2017. Sweet girl who adores cuddles. She leans in to you to give some cuddles back. However when she is working she is not a easy dog to combine with other dogs. Putting her with another female is nearly impossible. Her work partner needs to be calm and steady.


Cookie, 04-12-2017. Sweet little cookie. Sister of Dancer. Our little diva. She loves cuddles and she loves to play with her big best friend Rocky, who is at least two times her size, but she doesn't let him win! Strong little girl. She prefers summer over winter.


Dancer, born 04-12-2017. Sweet calm boy. His name comes from one of the reindeer of Santa 🎅 he is also super happy when he gets food and dances with his feet then.


Denali, born 23-12-2021. Sweet young girl. Loves to play and cuddle. Sister of Snow.


Dylan, born 29-12-2017. Dzengis's brother. Sweet boy who loves being cuddled. Makes funny snorting noises when when he gets cuddles 🐷


Dzengis, born 29-12-2017. Our sweet boy. He loves to cuddle and absolutely loves his brother Dylan. They are inseparable.


Fjord. Our oldie, 13 years old already and super energetic! He is a sweet boy who loves attention and cries like a seal 🦭 if he doesn't get it. He is always one of the favorites because of his character and color.


Fox, born 20-04-2023. Our one and only American Wolfdog. One of our new dogs. She is very sweet and can get scared a little easier, do to her wolf genes. Goes well with all of the dogs and loves to play with her friend Thor.


Freya, born 22-05-2015. Sweet but fierce girl. Loves her friends Dzengis and Dylan. She is a hard worker.


Frosty, 15-01-2022. Happy, playful, crazy boy. He thinks a lot of people are scary, but when you win him over, he loves getting cuddles and he is super sweet.



Galac, born 11-02-2011. Toothless old baby boy. Very sweet boy.


Hatchi, born 01-01-2013. Our old sweet boy. He loves cuddles and cries when he doesn't get attention.


Koda, born 03-09-2020. A sweet boy, but very easily scared. Brother of Billy and best friends with Snow.


Kinu, born 01-08-2021. Our crazy little girl. She loves attention and loves to play. She is also one of our dogs who barks the most.



Lara, born 31-10-2018. Our best lead dog. Sweet girl who is easy-going and loves cuddles.



Leeloo, born 25-04-2014. Our fiercest female. She does not go well with other females and also with most of the males. She is definitely a alfa female, but very sweet towards humans.


Nova, born 16-06-2015. Sweet girl who goes crazy when the food is coming.



Pete, born 20-02-2018. Our big boy. Super sweet and easy going. We used to have him in the front (lead dog) while working, but we had to change him to the back, because he wants to stop at every tree to pee.


Rocky, born 29-10-2017. Crazy Rocky. He loves to play and cuddle, but boy this dog has some energy! Almost all the females don't like Rocky, except for his little friend Cookie. They share a kennel together and play a lot.


Rohwi, born 19-06-2020. My baby. My first husky and biggest love. Sweet but fierce. Does not go well with males, but is best friends with Tikaani.


Savannah, born 14-12-2017. Sister of Angel. She gets scared easily and shows this by barking. Slowly she warms up to you and let's you pet her.


Snow, born 23-12-2021. Sister of Denali. Sweet girl, but hide your poop shovel, because she will grab herself an extra snack 💩. Denali and Snow used to go great together, untill they had a fight. Now they can't be close to each other anymore.


Skadi, born 11-05-2022. Skadi also know as Mausie. One of the dogs we brought with us. We have had her since she was a little puppy. Super sweet, but also super fierce. Does not go well with a lot of females, but absolutely loves her little sister Alina.


Thor, born 23-02-2020. One of our new dogs. He is very sweet, but boy if you do not give him attention he will start wining an crying until he gets it. He shares a kennel with his best friend Fox. He is very motivated to work and used to work as a lead dog with his previous owner. His eyes are two different colors.


Tikaani, born 03-03-2021. He was adopted just before we moved to Sweden and came with us from The Netherlands. Very sweet boy. Best friends with Rohwi.



Tyr, born 18-05-2016. Our crazy boy. Loves to play and cuddle. Works super hard and is a good lead dog. Gets crazy when he knows he is going to work.


Wodan, born 01-01-2021. One of the dogs we brought with us to Sweden. Our sweet boy. Loves cuddles and adores his two best female friends.


Yukon, born 29-03-2019. Crazy boy who loves to work. Easy to pet on the stake out and loves it then, impossible to pet in the dogyard, because he is so scared.
